
Youth Group Advocates for Proper Waste Management in Jos Metropolis

News Room 1 year ago 1 27

Successful Advocacy Work in the City of Jos towards Fostering Sustainable Communities

A group who are identified as “The Breakfast Chat” had an advocacy in the city of Jos, earlier this month, they were thrilled by the outcome hence their statements, which was published on their official Facebook page and its reads:

February 11, 2024

Successful Advocacy Work in the City of Jos towards Fostering Sustainable Communities

We’re excited to share the successful advocacy work accomplished by our team over the weekend, specifically on February 10, 2024, in bustling Jos. Our primary goal was to promote and foster sustainable communities in the region, and we’re delighted to report our efforts were met with great success.

One focal point during our advocacy was stressing the importance of building sustainable communities from our homes. We firmly believe every individual plays a crucial role in responsible waste management. Thus, we emphasized proper waste sorting and recycling.

We believe individual actions can collectively create a significant impact. By embracing responsible waste management, like proper sorting and recycling, we can foster sustainable communities and ensure a healthier future for our planet. We urge everyone to start these actions today and make a positive difference.

We extend special thanks to our team members who worked tirelessly behind the scenes, making this event a resounding success. Their dedication, enthusiasm, and hard work truly made a difference in spreading our message and resonating with the community.

In conclusion, our advocacy work in Jos was remarkable, and we’re proud of the impact we’ve made. We hope our efforts inspire others to join us in fostering sustainable communities and taking responsibility for waste management. Let’s all start today and work towards a brighter, greener future.

Thank you for your continuous support.
Richard Suarsun Wayo
Team Lead, Environment and Climate Action

The Breakfast Chat Community

What are you doing differently in contributing to your community development?

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1 Comment

  1. Jude Appiah says:

    Great move by the this group , awareness is key in achieving this menace and until we see the wealth in waste and have an attitudinal change this will persist and the environment will continue to witness all these catastrophic challenges ie Climate Change and all its consequences .

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